Authentication Modes

LoRa Basics™ Station supports four different authentication modes. Each authentication mode is configured by providing specific files with credentials that are defined by three types of files (* denotes the credential category such as tc or cups):

  • *.trust: The server’s CA certificate, which enables the Station to establish trust with the LNS or CUPS server

  • *.crt: The Private Station certificate

  • *.key: The Private Station key

No Authentication

In this mode, the Station establishes a plain WebSocket or HTTP connection with no authentication required. All three files (*.trust, *.crt, and *.key) shall be missing or empty.

TLS Server Authentication

The Station authenticates the server (LNS or CUPS) by establishing a TLS connection (wss, https), using the *.trust file to verify that it is talking to the correct server. The server does not attempt to verify the identity of the Station. The *.crt, and *.key files shall be absent or empty.

TLS Server and Client Authentication

The Station authenticates the server (LNS or CUPS) as before, and the server verifies the identity of the Station by asking for its certificate, \*.crt, as well as a signature with its private key: \*.key.

TLS Server Authentication and Client Token

The Station authenticates the server (LNS or CUPS) as before, and the server verifies the identity of the Station by checking a security token provided by the Station. The \*.crt file shall be missing or empty, and \*.key must contain one or more HTTP header fields that contain an authorization token such as

Authorization: AZ385fgheuyuslo3due

It is possible to specify multiple lines. Lines must start with a HTTP header field followed by a COLON and one SPACE. Lines can be terminated by either CRNL or NL.