The LNS Protocol

Connecting a LoRa Basics™ Station to a LoRaWAN® Network Server (LNS) is a two-step process which uses WebSocket as transport protocol for exchanging text records containing JSON-encoded objects.

First, the Station queries the LNS for the URI of the actual connection endpoint of the LNS. Second, it establishes a data connection with that endpoint to receive setup information. From then on, LoRa® uplink and downlink frames are exchanged through that connection. This way, an LNS may dynamically assign gateways to different data connection endpoints in order to, for example, distribute load or favor geographical proximity.


The LNS service assigning data connection endpoints can be separate from the LNS. Also, the service can run on servers separate from the LNS connection endpoints, which may be distributed across different servers.

LNS Protocol

Querying the LNS Connection endpoint (Discovery)

By default, the URI of the initial query is constructed from the contents of the file tc.uri by appending the path /router-info (see Credentials for other options). This forms a WebSocket endpoint to which the following JSON object is submitted:

  "router": ID6 | EUI | integer

Here the Station is simply declaring its identity and asking for directions regarding the LNS connection endpoint it shall connect to. The identity is a 64-bit EUI provided in the field router, either in the form of a string encoding the EUI in ID6 or EUI format, or as an integer value representing the EUI.

Depending on the authorization scheme (see Authentication Modes), the LNS shall verify that the declared identity matches the supplied credentials and shall answer with the following JSON object, immediately closing the connection afterwards:

  "router": ID6,
  "muxs"  : ID6,
  "uri"   : "URI",
  "error" : STRING   // only in case of error

The field router contains the normalized gateway identity. The muxs field contains the identity of the LNS connection endpoint selected by the LNS, and the field uri contains the address of this connection endpoint. The Station then connects to this URI to establish a data connection with the LNS.

If the gateway cannot be identified, or if there are other problems, the response object contains an error field describing the problem. It may be that the fields muxs and uri are missing.

Connecting to an LNS

After a successful query of the LNS data connection endpoint, the Station will connect to the endpoint URI it obtained, using the currently-configured credentials. As mentioned before, the established link is a WebSocket that connects the Station and LNS exchange JSON objects. Each JSON object, whether an uplink (i.e., from Station to LNS) or a downlink (i.e., from LNS to Station), must have a field named msgtype which identifies the type of message and determines the structure of the JSON object.

Right after the WebSocket connection has been established, the Station sends a version message. Next, the LNS shall respond with a router_config message. Afterwards, normal operation begins with uplink/downlink messages as described below.

version Message

The first message sent by the Station is a version message which reports its version information to the LNS (i.e., station, firmware, model), the protocol version (the constant 2, for now), and a list of optional features supported by the gateway. That is:

  "msgtype"   : "version"
  "station"   : STRING
  "firmware"  : STRING
  "package"   : STRING
  "model"     : STRING
  "protocol"  : INT
  "features"  : STRING

The features string is space-separated list of some of the following keywords:

  • rmtsh: The Station supports remote-shell access through the WebSocket link established with the LNS.

  • prod: The Station has been built at production level, that is, certain testing and debugging features may be disabled.

  • gps The Station has access to a GPS device.

router_config Message

The LNS SHALL respond to a version message with a router_config message to specify a channel plan for the Station and define some basic operation modes:

  "msgtype"    : "router_config"
  "NetID"      : [ INT, .. ]
  "JoinEui"    : [ [INT,INT], .. ]  // ranges: beg,end inclusive
  "region"     : STRING             // optional, e.g. "EU868", "US915", ..
  "max_eirp"   : FLOAT              // optional
  "hwspec"     : STRING
  "freq_range" : [ INT, INT ]       // min, max (hz)
  "DRs"        : [ [INT,INT,INT], .. ]   // sf,bw,dnonly
  "sx1301_conf": [ SX1301CONF, .. ]
  "bcning":    : BCNCONF
  "nocca"      : BOOL
  "nodc"       : BOOL
  "nodwell"    : BOOL

The fields NetID and JoinEui are used to filter LoRa frames received by the Station. NetID is a list of NetID values that are accepted. Any LoRa data frame carrying a NetID other than those listed will be dropped. JoinEui is a list of pairs of integer values encoding ranges of join EUIs. Join request frames will be dropped by the Station unless the field JoinEui in the message satisfies the condition BegEui<=JoinEui<=EndEui for at least one pair [BegEui,EndEui].

The fields nocca, nodc, and nodwell are only available in debug builds of a Station. Their purpose is to disable certain regulatory transmission constraints, namely clear channel assessment, duty-cycle limitations, and dwell-time limitations.

The region field specifies the region of the channel plan. It controls certain regulatory behavior such as clear channel assessment, duty-cycle limitations and dwell-time limitations. Valid names are compatible with the common names noted in the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters specification. In addition, for backward compatibility, the following names are excepted and are mapped to the respective names in braces: EU863(EU868), US902(US915). If this field is omitted then station will operate in an region agnostic mode.

The max_eirp field specifies a maxmimum output power. If this field is absent then the region-specific max EIRP value is used. In case of an absent region specifier, it defaults to 14. If max_eirp is present, it is only adopted if it lowers the region-specific value.

The hwspec field describes the concentrator hardware needed to operate the channel plan delivered in the router_config message. The assigned string must have the following form: sx1301/N, where N denotes the number of SX1301 concentrator chips required to operate the channel plan. The Station will check this requirement against its hardware capabilities.

The freq_range field defines the upper- and lower-boundaries of the available spectrum for the region set. The Station will NOT allow downlink transmissions outside of this frequency range.

The DRs field defines the available data rates within the channel plan. It must be an array of 16 entries. Each entry is an array of three (3) integers encoding the spreading factor (SF), the bandwidth (BW), as well as a DNONLY flag. SF must be in the 7-12 range for LoRa®, or 0 for FSK. BW must be one of the following numbers: 125, 250, or 500. BW is ignored for FSK.


DNONLY must be 1 if the data rate is valid for downlink frames only, and 0 if not.

The sx1301_conf field defines how the channel plan maps to the individual SX1301 chips. Its value is an array of SX1301CONF objects. The number of array elements must be in accordance with the value of the hwspec field.

The layout of a SX1301CONF object looks like this:

  "radio_0": { .. } // same structure as radio_1
  "radio_1": {
    "enable": BOOL,
    "freq"  : INT
  "chan_FSK": {
    "enable": BOOL,
    "radio": 0|1,
    "if": INT
  "chan_Lora_std": {
    "enable": BOOL,
    "radio": 0|1,
    "if": INT,
    "bandwidth": INT,
    "spread_factor": INT
  "chan_multiSF_0": { .. }  // _0 .. _7 all have the same structure
  "chan_multiSF_7": {
    "enable": BOOL,
    "radio": 0|1,
    "if": INT

The bcning field is either None or a BCNCONF object with the following layout:

  "DR"    : INT
  "layout": [INT,INT,INT]
  "freqs":  [ INT, .. ]

Values for these fields can be extracted from the Regional Paramters specification of the LoRaWAN standard. The DR field defines the data rate to be used for the beacons. The layout field specifies the octet offsets for insertion of the message fields Time and GwSpecific, followed by the length of the beacom PDU. The freqs field defines the frequencies for broadcasting the beacons. A typical setting would be {“DR”:3, “layout”:[2,8,17], “freqs”:[869525000] for region EU868.

Monitoring Round-trip Times

The message exchange between a Station and the LNS allows for monitoring round-trip times by piggy-backing certain fields onto normal message exchanges. The LNS may add the MuxTime field to every downlink sent to a Station:

  "msgtype" : ".."
  "MuxTime" : FLOAT    // downlink

The MuxTime field contains a float value that represents a UTC timestamp, with fractional seconds, and marks the time when the message was sent by the LNS. The Station will respond by adding the field RefTime:

  "msgtype" : ".."
  "RefTime" : FLOAT  // uplink

The RefTime field is calculated from the last received MuxTime, adjusted by the time interval on the router between the arrival of MuxTime and the sending of RefTime. Since downlink traffic is less frequent than uplink messages, it is likely that a MuxTime may be reused to construct multiple RefTime fields. This means that round-trip measurements are composed of the latency of the last downlink message and the most recent uplink message.

Time Synchronization

There are two modes of operation for time synchronization:

  1. With access to a PPS

  2. Independent of a PPS.

Synchronizing PPS to GPS Time

If a Station has access to a PPS that is aligned to GPS seconds, it will infer the synchronization to GPS time by running a protocol with the LNS. To infer the correct GPS time label for a given PPS pulse, the Station will keep sending timesync uplink messages to the LNS which should be promptly answered with a downstream timesync message.

Format of an upstream message:

  "msgtype"  : "timesync"
  "txtime"   : INT64,

The downstream response should be sent by the LNS immediately after it receives the corresponding upstream timesync. The LNS will insert the gpstime field and pass through the txtime field as received from the Station, where txtime is some unspecified time local to the Station.

The field gpstime marks the instant of time when the LNS processes the timesync message. Its value is the time in microseconds since the GPS epoch.

  "msgtype"  : "timesync"
  "txtime"   : INT64,
  "gpstime"  : INT64

Transferring GPS Time

The LNS shall periodically send the following message to the Station to transfer GPS time.

  "msgtype"  : "timesync"
  "xtime"    : INT64,
  "gpstime"  : INT64

The field xtime is particular to the Station and the GPS time is inferred from overlapping upstream frames arriving at the LNS.

Remote Commands

Stations support two mechanisms for running remote commands on the gateway:

  "msgtype"  : "runcmd"
  "command"  : STRING,
  "arguments": [ STRING, ... ]

The command field contains the actual command to execute. Based on its content, the Station will behave as follows:

  • If the executable flag is set, the Station runs the command with the specified set of arguments.

  • If it is a file but not executable, the Station treats it as a file containing a shell script and passes it, together with the arguments, to the system’s local shell for interpretation.

  • If none of the above is true, the Station assumes the command value represents shell statements. It runs the local shell and passes the value as statements together with the arguments for execution.

The arguments field is optional and may be absent or an empty array. If present and not empty, these arguments are passed along with the command.

Remote Shell

Stations support a remote shell session tunneling through the WebSocket to the LNS. The session is initiated by a command as shown below. After the session is established, the input data to the shell and the output data generated by the shell and its commands are tunneled through the WebSocket as binary records. A Station can maintain multiple sessions. This being the case, the first byte of the binary record is the session index. The remaining bytes of a binary record are the input/output data. The encoding is transparent to the WebSocket transport.

To query, initiate, or stop a session, the LNS must send the following message:

  "msgtype"  : "rmtsh",
  "user"     : STRING,
  "term"     : STRING,
  "start"    : INT,
  "stop"     : INT

If the fields start and stop are absent, the current session state is queried. Otherwise, only one of the two fields shall be present, indicating a session start or stop, respectively.

The value of the term field is the value of the TERM environment variable. It is set before the local shell is started.

The user field describes the user who is operating the session. For the Station this is just informational context data.

The Station will respond with the following message describing the current state of all sessions:

  "msgtype"  : "rmtsh",
  "rmtsh"    : [
      "user"     : STRING,
      "started"  : BOOL,
      "age"      : INT,
      "pid"      : INT

The age field is the time in seconds since the input/output action on this remote shell session.

The pid field is the local process identifier of the started shell.

The started field indicates that the shell process is actually running.