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HOME » DOCUMENTATION » TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS » LoRa Edge™ Asset Management Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide » LoRa Edge™ Asset Management Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide

LoRa Edge™ Asset Management Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide

What is in the Kit?

The LoRa Edge™ Asset Management Evaluation Kit (the “Kit”) contains the following items:

  • Two tracking devices built with the LR1110 chipset
    • Tracker on/off magnets (2)
  • One gateway (base station) based on the LoRaWAN® Standard with Ethernet or Wi-Fi backhaul
    • Power adapter (region specific)
    • LoRa® Gateway/Base Station antenna (only included with the U.S. model)

Kit Contents – LoRaWAN Gateway with Tracking Devices, Magnets, and Gateway


This Quick Start Guide is a companion to the more detailed LoRa Edge™ Asset Management Evaluation Kit User Guide. Please refer to that document for further clarification.

Getting the Kit Online

Create a LoRa Cloud™ Services Portal Account

  1. Open the LoRa Cloud Portal.
  2. Click LOGIN.
  3. At the bottom of the Welcome window, click Sign up, and then enter your email address and create a password.
  4. You should receive a confirmation email for the account. Click on the confirmation link in the email. Your browser should open and take you to the login page.
  5. After logging into your new account, you will need to accept the Terms & Conditions of Use. Once you accept these, your account activation will be complete.

Claim Your Devices on the LoRa Cloud Join Server

Create an Application Owner

  1. Select the Join Server tile on the LoRa Cloud Portal landing page.
  2. Click APPLICATION OWNERS in the menu on the left.
  3. Enter Asset Management EVK, or a name of your choosing, in the Application Owner Name input field.
  5. Your new application owner appears in the list of application owners.

Associate Your Application Owner with the ThingPark Network Server

This section shows you how to configure the Application Owner to accept join requests from the ThingPark Network Server.

  1. Select the Join Server tile on the LoRa Cloud Portal landing page.
  3. Select the option labelled Accept join requests only from the list of Network Servers specified below.
  4. Click on the Select Network Server dropdown and select the option rens-101 - Actility ThingPark Wireless DEV1.
  5. Click ASSOCIATE.
  7. The ThingPark Network Server is now bound to your Application Owner and join requests from the ThingPark Network Server will be accepted.

Claim Your Devices

In your Kit, you will find the DevEUI, AppEUI (JoinEUI), and PIN for each LR1110 based device. The DevEUI is emailed to you when the Kit is purchased. Use these to complete this section. The DevEUI, AppEUI (JoinEUI) and PIN can also be extracted via the BLE application that is described in Setting-up and Operating the LR1110 Based Devices

Repeat the following steps for each LR1110 based device in your kit:

  1. Select the Join Server tile on the LoRa Cloud Portal landing page.
  2. Click DEVICES in the menu on the left.
  3. The Devices page displays, with your application owner selected. Click CLAIM INDIVIDUAL DEVICE.
  4. Complete the Claim Device form as follows:
    • CHIP EUI: Enter the DevEUI supplied in your kit. This is also sent to you via email when you purchase the kit.
    • PIN: Enter the PIN supplied in your kit. If there is a letter O at the start of the supplied PIN, do not include this when entering this field.
    • DEVICE EUI: Check the Same as Chip EUI box.
    • Leave the remaining fields empty.
  5. Click the CLAIM DEVICE button to add the device.
  6. The Device Claimed screen displays, showing the confirmation message.
  8. Your device is now claimed on the Join Server and listed on the Devices page.

Set up LoRa Cloud™ Modem & Geolocation Services

  1. Select the Modem & Geolocation Services tile on the LoRa Cloud Portal landing page.
  2. Click DEVICE OWNERS in the menu on the left.
  4. Complete the Add a Device Owner form:
    • NAME: Pick a memorable name (spaces are not allowed).
  5. Click SUBMIT.
  6. Your new Device Owner is now listed on the Manage Device Owners page.

Create a Modem & Geolocation Services API Access Token

  1. Select the Modem & Geolocation Services tile on the LoRa Cloud Portal landing page.
  2. Click MANAGE TOKENS in the menu on the left.
  3. From the Manage Tokens page, select CREATE NEW TOKEN.
  4. On the Add New Token page, name the token and select its Permissions. At a minimum, select the following permissions:
  6. The token appears on the page.
  7. Copy the token value to the clipboard by clicking Copy. The copied token is included in external applications that interface with the Modem & Geolocation Services. Save the token somewhere safe you can access it later, we refer to this token later as MGS_TOKEN.

Add Your LR1110 Based Devices to Modem & Geolocation Services

  1. Log into the LoRa Cloud Portal.
  2. The landing page displays. Click on the Modem & Geolocation Services tile.
  3. Click MANAGE DEVICES in the menu on the left.
  4. On the Manage Devices page, click ADD DEVICES.
  5. Complete the Add Devices form:
    • EUI(S): Enter the two DevEUIs supplied in your kit, separated by a comma (,)

      E.g., For the two DevEUIs 151ee24b54081324 and 92506d25a2766d54, you would enter:

      151ee24b54081324, 92506d25a2766d54

  6. Click ADD DEVICES.
  7. The devices appear in the Manage Devices list.

Setting up ThingPark Community Platform (Network Server) and TagoIO

Connect Your Gateway to the Internet

  1. Plug in your gateway to a power source.
  2. Connect your gateway to an Ethernet network where it can get an automatic IP address from a DHCP server and access the Internet. If your gateway is behind a corporate firewall, make sure the firewall does not block the following ports towards the Internet:
    • FTP (TCP port 21)
    • NTP (UDP port 123)
    • IPsec (UDP ports 4500 and 500)

Set up the ThingPark Community Account

Create a ThingPark Community Account

  1. Go to and click Sign Up.
  2. Follow the instructions and add data as requested.

Add the Gateway to ThingPark

  1. Open the ThingPark Community Portal.
  2. In the main menu (on the left), under Base Stations, select Create
  3. Select the gateway vendor, UfiSpace.
  4. Complete the Enter Your Base Station Information section of the form as follows:
    • Model: Select the Enterprise V1.5.
    • Name: Enter a name for your gateway, e.g. Base Station.
    • LRR-UUID: Enter the LRR UUID which was emailed to you when you purchased the kit, e.g. 001558-46584254C0001BF9. The LRR UUID is also found on the paperwork supplied with the kit. You must have received the LRR UUID prior to continuing.
    • RF Region: Select the region you are in and the channels your gateway supports. Assuming you are using the gateway supplied in the kit, choose the following depending on your region:
      • EU 863-870 region: select EU 863-870MHz (8 channels)
      • US 915 region: whilst you can choose any of the channels, we recommend you select US 915MHz (16 channels: CH0-CH15). This channel results in a shorter join time than the other channels.
    • IPsec (X.509) for base station to TPE connection: Set this to Enabled.
    • Additional Information: Add any notes you need to associate with your gateway, or leave blank.
    • Public key: Locate the Base Station Public Key which was emailed to you when you purchased the kit. Copy key (with or without the BEGIN/END lines) and paste it here.


      -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
      -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

      Example of a Public Key

  5. In the Set Your Base Station Location section of the form, set Mode to Manual and enter the coordinates using latitude (Lat) and longitude (Long) or by clicking on the map.
  6. Click CREATE.
  7. The CONFIRMATION dialog box displays. Click VIEW THE BASE STATION to continue.
  8. The Base Station page displays. Scroll down to the STATUS section to view the status of your gateway.
  9. Wait approximately five minutes for your gateway to complete the initialization procedure and then refresh the page. When the gateway is active, the Connection field of the STATUS section will show ACTIVE. The LPWAN light on the gateway will be solid blue.


    It is normal for the Connection field of the STATUS section to show RADIO ERROR. Keep waiting or try refreshing the page.

Create a TagoIO Connection on ThingPark

Perform the following steps to create the TagoIO connection to the ThingPark service to allow tracking data to be routed from ThingPark to TagoIO.

  1. Open the ThingPark Community Portal.
  2. In the menu on the left, under Connections, select Create.
  3. Select the Basic HTTPS option.
  4. Complete the form as follows:
    • Name: Enter TagoIO.
    • URL: Set to


      The final value of the authorization query parameter in the URL will be updated to one assigned by TagoIO. You use this TEMP-AUTHORIZATION value for now, and we will guide you to come back and replace it with the actual value later.

    • Content Type: Select JSON.
    • Tunnel Interface Authentication Key: This key has been randomly generated. Copy it and save it somewhere safe. This is referred to later as the TTCP_CONNECTION_TUNNEL_INTERFACE_AUTHENTICATION_KEY.
    • Custom HTTP Headers: Leave this field empty.
    • Additional Information: Add any notes you need to associate with your gateway, or leave empty.
  5. Click CREATE.
  6. The CONFIRMATION dialog box displays. Click VIEW THE CONNECTION to continue.
  7. The TagoIO connection page displays.

The TagoIO connection is now ready to send and receive application payloads via the TPCP for the trackers you will be creating. You can see the connection listed when you click List under Connections in the main menu.

Add the LR1110 Based Devices to ThingPark

Complete the following steps for each LR1110 based device in your kit:

  1. Open the ThingPark Community Portal.
  2. At the main menu, under Devices, select Create.
  3. Select Generic as the device manufacturer.
  4. The CREATING A DEVICE form displays. Complete the Enter Your Device Information section of form as follows:
    • Model: Enter the text LoRaWAN 1.0.3 revA - Class A. If you use the region EU868, choose the option that also shows eu868. If you use the region US915, choose the option that also shows us915. If you use the region AU915, choose the option that also shows au915.
    • Name: Enter a name that you can use to distinguish your device.
    • DevEUI: Enter the DevEUI supplied in your kit. This is also sent to you via email when you purchase the kit.
    • Activation mode: Select Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA) with external Join Server.


      The LR1110 based devices supplied in your Kit use the Semtech Join Server connected to ThingPark via ThingPark Exchange to activate.

    • JoinEUI (AppEUI): Enter the AppEUI (JoinEUI) supplied in your Kit.


      This value is an eight-byte, globally-unique value used to identify the Semtech Join Server which is associated with your tracker. This value is represented in hexadecimal format (i.e., 16 characters, such as F1E2D3C4B5A6F7E8).

    • Owner token: Leave this field empty.
    • Additional Information: Add any notes you need to associate with your device, or leave blank.
  5. Complete the Associate Your Device With Your Connections section of the form as follows:
    • Connections: Select the TagoIO connection you just created.
  6. Complete the Set Your Device Location section of the form as follows:
    • Mode: Select the No location option, since this will not be using a ThingPark-based location service.
  7. Leave Roaming set to OFF.
  8. If you have another device to create, check the Create another checkbox next to the CREATE button.
  9. Click CREATE.
  10. The device is displayed on the device page.

Now your tracker is ready to be used. You can see it listed when you click on the List option under Devices in the main menu.

Set up TagoIO

Create your TagoIO Web Portal Account

  1. From a web browser, go to and create your free account.
  2. Follow the steps to add the requested data necessary for creating your account.
  3. To activate your account, look for the email sent to you from TagoIO and click the link to confirm receipt.

Link the Application Server on ThingPark with TagoIO

Follow the steps below to set up the ThingPark Community Platform to redirect your sensor data to TagoIO, and enable your TagoIO account to accept this data.

  1. Open TagoIO and log in to your TagoIO account.
  2. Select Devices in the sidebar on the left.

    TagoIO Devices button

  3. On the Devices page, click the Authorization button in the top right corner, or go open the page
  4. Complete the Service Authorization form that displays at the top of the page as follows:
    • Name: Enter Actility, or a name of your choosing to identify the ThingPark service.
    • Additional Parameter (Optional): Leave this field empty.

    Naming the Service Authorization

  5. Click the blue Generate button.
  6. The Actility authorization is displayed in the Service Authorization list underneath the form.
  7. Click the Copy button to copy your authorization token. Paste the token somewhere safe, we later refer to this as the TAGOIO_ACTILITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION.
  8. Open the ThingPark Community Portal.
  9. At the main menu, under Connections, select List.
  10. Select the TagoIO connection you created earlier.
  11. At the URL field, replace the text YOUR-AUTHORIZATION with the TAGOIO_ACTILITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION you just copied and click the tick icon to save your changes.

    URL field after the YOUR-AUTHORIZATION text is replaced

  12. Go back to the TagoIO Service Authorization page.
  13. Click the pencil icon next to your Actility Service Authorization.

    The pencil icon

  14. The Edit Parameter dialog box displays.
  15. Paste the TTCP_CONNECTION_TUNNEL_INTERFACE_AUTHENTICATION_KEY you saved earlier into the Parameter of Authorization "Actility" field.


    If you forgot to get a copy of the Tunnel Interface Authentication Key when setting up ThingPark, you can create a new one:

    1. In a new tab or window, open the ThingPark Community Portal.
    2. At the main menu, under Connections, select List and select the TagoIO connection you created earlier.
    3. Click the Regenerate button next to the Tunnel Interface Authentication Key field.
    4. Highlight and copy the now-visible key.
    5. Click the checkmark button to save the key.
    6. You can now return to the TagoIO Service Authorization page, and paste the key into the Edit Parameter dialog box.
  16. Click the Confirm change button to update the authorization parameter.

Add the Tracking Devices to TagoIO

Complete these steps for each device in your kit:

  1. Go to your Devices page at TagoIO (
  2. If this is the first device you are adding, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, Click Add Device.
  3. Select LoRaWAN Actility in the Networks sidebar.

    The LoRaWAN Actility item in the Networks sidebar

  4. Enter Semtech into the search a connector for your device field.
  5. Select the Semtech LoRa Edge™ Tracker Reference Design device.
  6. Complete the form as follows:
    • Device Name: Enter a name for your device.
    • Device EUI: Enter the DevEUI supplied in your Kit.
    • DAS Token: Paste the Modem & Geolocation Services Token (MGS_TOKEN) token you saved earlier.


      If you forgot to get a copy of a Modem & Geolocation Services Token when setting up the LoRa Cloud™ Services, you can copy one now from the LoRa Cloud™ Portal, selecting Modem & Geolocation Services, MANAGE TOKENS, and selecting the Copy button underneath one of the tokens.

  7. Click Create my Device.
  8. The All done! message displays. Click Continue to proceed.
  9. The Install the dashboard template screen displays. Click on the link to open the installation page.
  10. Click Install Template in the dialog box that displays.
  11. In the Associate Your Devices screen, click the select a device fitting the description dropdown and select the name of the device you just created.
  12. Click on Confirm associations.
  13. Your new dashboard is displayed. No data will be shown yet. You will find a link to this dashboard in the sidebar.

    Location of the Sidebar on the TagoIO Dashboard View

Create a QR Code for the LoRa Cloud™ Modem & Geolocation Services Token

  1. Log into the LoRa Cloud™ Portal.
  2. The landing page displays. Click on the Modem & Geolocation Services tile.
  3. Click MANAGE TOKENS in the menu on the left.
  4. Choose a token and click the Copy button next to it.
  5. Open a QR generator tool of your choosing and generate a QR code using the token. If you do not have any you already use, you can follow these instructions:
    1. Open QR Code Generator.
    2. Choose the TEXT option.
    3. Paste the token you just copied into the Enter your text field.
    4. The QR code appears.
    5. Leave this page open, or click the DOWNLOAD button to save the QR Code as a JPG. You need this code in the next stage.

Install and configure the LoRa Edge Config application

The first step in setting up your devices is to install and configure the Bluetooth smartphone application that enables the initial configuration of the LR1110 based device. Follow the instructions for your smartphone.

Option 1: Configure the iOS application

  1. Open the iOS App Store, search for LoRa Edge™ Config, and install the application.
  2. Open the LoRa Edge Config application on your iOS smartphone.
  3. Accept the license agreement which appears.
  4. Tap OK in the Permission to use Bluetooth dialog box that displays.
  5. Tap Later when asked if you wish to change the default Almanac URL.
  6. Tap the Settings tab in the bottom menu bar.
  7. Locate the settings section titled LoRa Cloud, and tap on the Authentication token field.
  8. Grant permission for the app to access the camera.
  9. Point the camera to the QR code you just generated. The camera app will close. The Almanac will be fetched automatically.
  10. Locate the settings section titled Inspector. Tap on the Inspector mode field.
  11. Tap on the Advanced mode switch, and tap OK to enable Advanced Mode.

Option 2: Configure the Android application

  1. Open the Google Play Store app, search for LoRa Edge™ Config, and install the application.
  2. At the Almanac url dialog box, select LATER.
  3. Tap the menu button ().
  4. Tap Settings.
  5. The Settings page opens. Locate the section titled LoRa Cloud and tap on the Authentication token field.
  6. Grant permission for the app to access the camera.
  7. Point the camera to the QR code you just generated. The camera app will close. The Almanac will be fetched automatically.
  8. Locate the settings section titled Inspector. Tap on the Inspector mode field.
  9. Tap on the Advanced Mode option.

Configure Your Trackers

Repeat the following steps for each tracker.

Connect the Application to Your LR1110 Based Device

Follow the instructions for your smartphone.

Option 1: Connect using iOS

  1. Tap on the Trackers tab in the bottom menu of the LoRa Edge Config application.
  2. Put your device in BLE pairing mode by placing the provided magnet (with the notch-side down) against the oval hole on the device, and then place the flat side of the magnet directly against the device. This should cause the red LED to start blinking.

    Placing the LR1110 based device into BLE mode


    Whilst the red LED is blinking, the device is in BLE pairing mode. The device stays in BLE pairing mode for 30 seconds before leaving this state. If you are unable to connect within this time period, you can repeat this step so the device enters pairing mode again.

  3. Tap the Scan button on the smartphone application.
  4. Your LR1110 based device appears on the Scanner page.
  5. Tap on the device name in the list. The application will connect to the tracker.


    There is a connection timeout of two minutes. This timeout is refreshed after each action a user initiates in the smartphone app.

You are now on the Settings page for your device. If one of the next actions takes longer than expected, reconnect the LoRa Edge Config application to your device by repeating the steps in this section. If the device is not listed on the Scanner page, quit the LoRa Edge Config application and restart it.

Continue to the section Configure Your LR1110 Based Device

Option 2: Connect using Android

  1. Tap the start scan button () in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Grant the application permission to access your device location.
  3. The Scanner screen displays.
  4. Put your LR1110 based device in BLE pairing mode by placing the provided magnet (with the notch-side down) against the oval hole on the device, and then place the flat side of the magnet directly against the device. This should cause the red LED to start blinking.

    Placing the LR1110 based device into BLE mode


    Whilst the red LED is blinking, the LR1110 based device is in BLE pairing mode. The device stays in BLE pairing mode for 30 seconds before leaving this state. If you are unable to connect within this time period, you can repeat this step so the device enters pairing mode again.

  5. Your LR1110 based device appears on the Scanner page.

    LoRa Edge Config application showing a detected LR1110 based device

  6. Tap on the name of the device that displays on the Scanner page. The application will connect to the tracker.


    There is a connection timeout of two minutes. This timeout is refreshed after each action a user initiates in the smartphone app.

The Settings page for your device is now displayed. If one of the next actions takes longer than expected, reconnect the LoRa Edge Config application to your device by repeating the steps in this section. If the device is not listed on the Scanner page, quit the LoRa Edge Config application and restart it.

Configure Your LR1110 Based Device

Ensure the application has connected to your device within in the last two minutes, and that you are on the Settings page for your device by following the steps in the Connect the Application to Your LR1110 Based Device section.

  1. Locate the section titled Versions and FUOTA. Complete the following steps:
    • Update your application firmware (if a new version is available) by tapping on Update application firmware and tapping Update. This process takes about one minute.
    • Update the LoRa Basics™ Modem-E modem firmware (if a new version is available) by tapping on Update LoRa Basics™ modem-E firmware and tapping Update. This process takes about one minute.
  2. Locate the section titled GNSS. Complete the following steps:
    1. Switch GNSS scan to enabled.
    2. Tap on the Update almanac field. This process takes approximately 30 seconds.
    3. Tap on the GNSS assistance position field. In the fields displayed, enter the Latitude for the physical location of the device you are configuring into the top (iOS) or left (Android) field, and the Longitude into the bottom (iOS) or right (Android) field. Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates can be found via Google Maps, or via this on-line tool.
    4. Tap OK. The syncing process should take a few seconds. See the LR1110 documentation for a full explanation of assisted GNSS.
  3. Locate the section titled LoRaWAN®. Verify that the Semtech join server mode is set to Enabled.
  4. Locate the section titled Miscellaneous. Tap the switch (iOS) or checkbox (Android) next to the Airplane mode field to change Airplane mode to Disabled. The syncing process should take a second.
  5. Hold the magnet to the device, as you did previously. This will cause the device to reset. The red light begins flashing and since the device is no longer in airplane mode, the join process will begin. Wait for around 5 minutes to allow enough time for the process to complete.

Verify the Device Joined and Configuration is Working

Check to make sure that  the device has successfully joined the network using the Join Server by following these steps:

  1. Open the LoRa Cloud™ Portal and select the Join Server tile.
  2. Click DEVICES in the menu on the left.
  3. The device you have just reset will have a timestamp in the Last Join column.

    The timestamp in the Last Join column indicating this device is joined


    If there is no timestamp in the Last Join column, wait a few more minutes and then refresh the display. If the device still does not join, try the steps in the FAQ: My device is able to communicate with the LoRa Edge™ Config app, but is not joining the network.

Verify that device messages are being received by the network server by following these steps:

  1. Open the ThingPark Community Portal.
  2. At the main menu, under Devices, select List.
  3. The device you joined should have a timestamp in the Last Uplink column.

    The timestamp in the Last Uplink column indicating the network server is receiving device messages

Verify that messages are being sent from the network server to TagoIO by following these steps:

  1. Go outside with the LR1110 based device, somewhere with clear line-of-sight to the sky.
  2. Wait a few minutes, to allow the device to get a GNSS location and send a message.
  3. Open TagoIO and log in to your TagoIO account.
  4. Select the dashboard for the device you created from the menu on the left.
  5. The TX UTC TIME widget should display a timestamp. This indicates the connection between ThingPark and TagoIO is working.

    If the device has managed to get a location, you will also see a location indicated on the map widget.

    The timestamp in the TX UTC TIME column indicating the TagoIO application is receiving device messages

Important Information: Warranty Disclaimer

The Kits are supplied for demonstration purposes only. Your use of the Kits for any other purpose (e.g., commercial) is unauthorized by Semtech and at your own risk.


Product & Safety Instructions

Certain sensors contain magnets. Keep away from ALL children! Do not put in nose or mouth. Swallowed magnets can stick to intestines causing serious injury or death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnets are swallowed.

Observe the following precautions to avoid a sensor explosion or fire:

Do not drop, disassemble, open, crush, bend, deform, puncture, shred, microwave, incinerate, or paint the sensors, or other hardware.

Do not insert foreign objects into any opening on the sensors or gateways.

Do not use the hardware if it has been damaged—for example, if cracked, punctured, or harmed by water.

Disassembling or puncturing the battery (whether integrated or removable) can cause an explosion or fire.

Do not dry the sensors or battery with an external heat source such as a microwave oven or hair dryer.

These products are not toys and contain small parts that can be dangerous to children under three years old. Do not allow children or pets to play with products.

Observe proper precautions when handling batteries. Batteries may leak or explode if improperly handled.


Do not place naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, on or near the equipment.

The battery should not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire, or the like.

Do not dismantle, open, or shred battery pack or cells.

Do not expose batteries to heat or fire. Avoid storage in direct sunlight.

Do not short-circuit the battery. Do not store batteries in a box or drawer where they may short-circuit each other or be short-circuited by other metal objects.

Do not remove a battery from its original packaging until required for use.

Do not subject batteries to mechanical shock.

In the event of a battery leaking, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with skin or eyes. If contact has been made, wash the affected area with copious amounts of water, and seek medical advice.

Do not use any charger other than that specifically provided for use with the equipment.

Observe the plus (+) and minus (-) marks on the battery and equipment, and ensure correct use.

Do not use any battery which is not designed for use with the product.

Do not mix cells of different manufacture, capacity, size, or type within a device.

Keep batteries out of the reach of children.

Seek medical advice immediately if a battery has been swallowed.

Always purchase the correct battery for the equipment.

Keep batteries clean and dry.

Wipe the battery terminals with a clean, dry cloth if they become dirty.

Rechargeable batteries need to be charged before use. Always use the correct charger, and refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or equipment manual for proper charging instructions.

Do not leave a rechargeable battery on prolonged charge when not in use.


Avoid exposing your sensors or batteries to very cold or very hot temperatures. Low or high temperature conditions may tem­porarily shorten the battery life or cause the sensors to temporarily stop working.

Take care in setting up the gateway and other hardware. Follow all installation instructions in the User Guide. Failure to do so may result in injury.

Do not install hardware equipment while standing in water or with wet hands. Failure to do so can result in electric shock or death. Use caution when setting up all electronic equipment.

PROP 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Cleaning: Use a clean, dry cloth or wipe to clean products. Do not use detergent or abrasive materials to clean the products, as this may damage the sensors.


Hereby, Semtech declares that the radio equipment for the Asset Tracking Reference Kit is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and license-exempt RSS Standards of Industry Canada.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


This symbol means that according to local laws and regulations, your product should be disposed of separately from household waste. When this product reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point designated by local authorities. Some collection points accept products for free. The separate collection and recycling of your product at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment.


Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment of and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


To comply with FCC and Industry Canada RF radiation exposure limits for general population, the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20cm is maintained between the radiator (antenna) and all persons at all times and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Industry Canada statement

This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

(1) This device may not cause interference; and

(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:

1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;

2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement

RF Radiation Hazard Warning

To ensure compliance with FCC and Industry Canada RF exposure requirements, this device must be installed in a location where the antennas of the device will have a minimum distance of at least 20 cm from all persons. Using higher gain antennas and types of antennas not certified for use with this product is not allowed. The device shall not be co-located with another antenna or transmitting device.

Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Le produit est conforme aux limites d'exposition pour les appareils portables RF pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Le produit est sûr pour un fonctionnement tel que décrit dans ce manuel. La réduction aux expositions RF peut être augmentée si l'appareil peut être conservé aussi loin que possible du corps de l'utilisateur ou que le dispositif est réglé sur la puissance de sortie la plus faible si une telle fonction est disponible.

Important Notice

Information relating to this product and the application or design described herein is believed to be reliable, however such information is provided as a guide only and Semtech assumes no liability for any errors in this document, or for the application or design described herein. Semtech reserves the right to make changes to the product or this document at any time without notice. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing order and should verify that such information is current and complete. Semtech warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, and all sales are made in accordance with Semtech's standard terms and conditions of sale.


SEMTECH PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS, OR IN NUCLEAR APPLICATIONS IN WHICH THE FAILURE COULD BE REASONABLY EXPECTED TO RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF LIFE OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. INCLUSION OF SEMTECH PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE UNDERTAKEN SOLELY AT THE CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. Should a customer purchase or use Semtech products for any such unauthorized application, the consumer shall indemnify and hold Semtech and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages and attorney fees which could arise.