LoRa Basics Modem and LoRa Edge documentation

Scenario - Unclaiming a Device


To use the LoRa Cloud™ Join Server, a device with an LR111x chip must be claimed via the LoRa Cloud web portal or API. Once claimed, the device will be available for use by a LoRaWAN® Network Server via a Join Request. To transfer a device to a new owner, the original owner must unclaim the device.

In contrast to join services where the join server is embedded in (or is programmatically tied to) a LoRaWAN network server, owners should understand that they will never see the root keys for the device. With the LoRa Cloud Join Server, a PIN (an owner verification code) is provided as an authorization code for claiming a device. That device is then associated with the owner’s account.



  • The owner of the device must have its DevEUI/ChipEUI.

Prerequisites for LoRa Basics™ Modem:

  • No additional requirements

Prerequisites for LoRa Basics™ Modem-E:

  • No additional requirements

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. The device owner submits an unclaim request with DevEUI/ChipEUI data to the LoRa Cloud Join Server via the API or the LoRa Cloud web portal.

  2. The LoRa Cloud Join Server determines whether the device has been previously claimed and reserved for the owner who submitted the unclaim request.

  3. If claimed and reserved for the owner, the LoRa Cloud Join Server returns a notice that the device has been successfully unclaimed.

  4. If not claimed or not reserved for the owner, the LoRa Cloud Join Server returns a notice that the device has not been successfully unclaimed.

@startuml device_unclaimbox Device #LightBlue    participant "End Device Application" as App #LightBlue    participant "<color #000000 >LR111x</color>" as LoRa  #00ADEF end box box LoRaWAN® #AAAAAA    participant "Gateway" as GW #LightGrey    participant "Network Server" as NS  #LightGrayend boxbox LoRa Cloud™ Services #00ADEF     participant "<color #000000 >LoRa Cloud™ Join Server</color>" as JS #00ADEFend boxactor Owner as Owner #LightBluelegend left|=             |= Owner || <#00ADEF>    | Semtech || <#ADD8E6>    | Customer || <#D3D3D3>    | Ecosystem |endlegend== Unclaiming - Success ==Owner -> JS : DevEUI/ChipEUIJS -> Owner : OK== Unclaiming - Fail == Owner -> JS : DevEUI/ChipEUIJS -> Owner : Fail@enduml

Used By

Device owner


An unclaim request may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is a typo in the DevEUI/ChipEUI

  • The chip was never claimed

  • The chip has been claimed by a different owner